Easy motivation is a marker for real change.
Depression is often marked by limited energy, physical activity, and reduced self-care.
Also experienced can be sleep and eating issues which can be represented by either excesses or restrictions. Cognition is usually compromised with issues of attention/concentration, organization/planning, difficulty with judgement and decision making, learning and memory. These cognitive factors contribute to dysfunction impacting the work setting and in living well, in general.
The consequences of these physical and cognitive deficits reduce the areas of engagement in life. This closing down with respect to a life well lived is further compromised with a depressed mood which restricts social engagement and limits skills with relationships.
One other factor that comes with a depressed mood is limited motivation. This is a critical area of change. As the treatment for depression progresses, there is a noted improvement in engagement, thus improving motivation. Then, increased engagement occurs because there is a more motivation. However, it remains a partial change and only becomes life changing when actions, activity, and social engagement feel more like it is ‘meant to be’ rather a task to be done. This form of motivation is a clear marker that life is fully back.
Positive shifts in the symptom presentation can be sufficient to re-boot a lifestyle that was based on authentic responses to life’s challenges and successes. However, changing a lifestyle that was initially misaligned without meaningful purposeful living can be more complicated. The symptom may be reduced but the ‘easy motivation’ is not achieved.
The check on symptom presentation is a common point of investigation to address a mood disorder. Additional inquiry as to the level of satisfaction across several areas of life is also a valuable window into a person’s level of health. These areas include physical health, fun/recreational activities, social/ intimate relationships, spiritual practices, and meaningful work. This picture can begin to clarify what is a meaningful and purposeful life. For most cases of mood disorders, achieving meaningful purposeful living is the heart of the change. When life goals are aligned, living is filled with ‘easy motivation’ with balanced and directed energy.
Just a Thought …
From Willow Grove Counselling, Inc.