Credentials and Experience
Arthur Rathgeber, EdD., R.Psych., Certified Cognitive Therapist, Vancouver, Port Coquitlam, BC
Doctorate degree from the University of Northern Colorado with internships in mental health and school psychology
- Certified Cognitive Therapist (Diplomate) through the Academy of Cognitive Therapy (ACT). The ACT is an international organization whose mission includes the certification of mental health professionals who provide state-of-the-art treatment in this highly effective form of psychotherapy. A therapist with a Diplomate has received specialized training in cognitive therapy, and has met rigorous, research-based standards of competency in essential skills.
- CACBT-ACTCC – certified in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (Canada)
- Working with children, adolescents, adults, couples and families in both mental health settings and in private practice
- Senior Clinician, supervising therapists in a cross-Canada ‘Assessment for Work Readiness/Return to Work’ CBT program for depression and anxiety
- University administrator – Dean of Education
- Counselling psychologist at the university level
- Professor of educational psychology and special education
- School psychologist
- Administrator (superintendent) for psychological and special education services
- Teacher/counsellor for students with behaviour disorders
Alexandra Rathgeber, M.Ed (Counselling Psychology)
Master of Education degree with a major in Counselling Psychology from the University of Toronto, with internships in both the in-patient and out-patient programs at the North Bay Psychiatric Hospital
- Graduate courses in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
- Certified teacher in three Canadian provinces, with a primary focus on special needs students, including assessments and student/family counselling
- Working with adults (private practice)
- Elementary School Counsellor, working with children and their families within educational settings
- Developed and delivered university level special education courses (Learning Disabilities; Developmental Disorders; Educational Assessment; Behaviour Disorders) for practicing teachers
- Resource teacher/provincial consultant for students with visual impairments
- Elementary teacher/Resource teacher