A Simple, but Profound, Principle for Effective Change
The First Step in a New Dance

Arthur J. Rathgeber, EdD., R.Psych
Certified Cognitive Therapist
(Diplomate – Academy of Cognitive Therapy)
Alexandra H. Rathgeber
M.Ed. (Counselling Psychology)
In-Take Counsellor/Administrator
Specializing in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
A Simple, but Profound, Principle for Effective Change
Gentle and firm handling helps children mature Each of us campaigns for the role we play in our first family. Sometimes it is a battle to achieve a particular position and it may take years of rehearsal and practice to ensure this position is well-established. Other times, we are acclaimed to this position by other […]
What makes the difference between a child who will experience success in school and one who will struggle? Given two different students bringing average ability to school, one could assume that both would perform similarly in terms of grades. But this is often not the case because of two key factors. One is motivation. Motivation […]
Anxiety and stress are common realities for many adults, and we can understand that these issues are in the #1 spot for the most prevalent mental health concerns. What may not seem as obvious is that this statistic is also true for children. Anxiety disorders impact about 13% of our children and youth – and […]
Easy motivation is a marker for real change.
Terry graduated from high school four years ago with reasonable, but not outstanding grades.
What often can make strong achievers in the world is living in an environment early in life where much is expected, and the outcome of failure is very consequential.
Willow Grove Counselling, Inc. – specializing in CBT.
Arthur Rathgeber, EdD., R.Psych, Certified Cognitive Therapist provides Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Depression/Anxiety.
Serving Vancouver and Port Coquitlam.
Photographs are accredited to Dr. Rathgeber | Website by nrichmedia